Contact me: Amy Livingston | haverwench @ gmail . com
What my clients say about me

Here are a few comments I've received from clients:

"Thank you for doing such a great job on the content analysis for Teen Health. I started reading through it a couple of weeks ago and really appreciate all the work you put into this. It's providing an excellent picture of how we can combine the three courses." - Laura Quinn, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill

"You did a really nice job with [your first report]—I think it's actually a better report now than it was before... You are clearly a thoughtful and intelligent writer."​​ - Christine Frietchen,

​​​​"BTW, you are doing a terrific job on these [electronics] reports -- much, much better than many writers who've approached these with a strong background in technology. It's very appreciated. As long as you are comfortable doing them, I am more than happy to send a steady stream of these your way." - Carl Laron,

"This is wonderful Amy! Love it! Thanks for getting it back so quickly!...Perfect write up...Thanks again for your wonderful words!" - Corey Valley,​​
